The Strange Thing About The Johnsons


The Strange Thing About The Johnsons” is a thought-provoking short film that delves into the depths of a dysfunctional family and explores the complexities of hidden secrets and taboo topics. Written and directed by Ari Aster, this controversial film has sparked both intrigue and controversy since its release. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of the film, its reception, and its impact on the industry.

Understanding the Plot

“The Strange Thing About The Johnsons” revolves around the Johnson family, seemingly a picture-perfect suburban household. However, beneath the surface lies a dark secret that disrupts the conventional notions of familial love and relationships. The film takes viewers on a disturbing journey as it challenges societal norms and delves into uncomfortable territory.

Unraveling the Twists

The Strange Thing About The Johnsons

H1: A Dysfunctional Family Portrait

The film presents an unconventional portrayal of a dysfunctional family. It examines the dynamics within the Johnson household, showcasing the strained relationships between family members and the deep-seated emotional turmoil that plagues them. The characters’ interactions and struggles provide a stark contrast to the idyllic image projected by their external appearance.

H2: Hidden Secrets and Taboos

One of the key elements that make “The Strange Thing About The Johnsons” so unsettling is its exploration of hidden secrets and taboo subjects. The film tackles sensitive issues such as incest, abuse, and manipulation, forcing viewers to confront uncomfortable realities. By shedding light on these topics, the film challenges societal norms and provokes discussion.

H3: The Complexity of Relationships

Another intriguing aspect of the film is its examination of the complexity of human relationships. It delves into the blurred boundaries between love, control, and manipulation within the family unit. The characters’ motivations and actions raise questions about the nature of familial bonds and the lengths people may go to protect their own interests.

The Unusual Traditions

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Johnson family is their eccentric traditions. They celebrate peculiar holidays and engage in bizarre rituals that have been passed down through generations. From the annual “Moonlight Dance” where they dress in peculiar costumes to the “Whispering Ceremony” held at midnight, the Johnsons’ traditions are shrouded in mystery.

The Hidden Talents

The Johnsons possess unique talents that defy explanation. From their uncanny ability to predict future events to their knack for deciphering complex codes and symbols, their skills border on the supernatural. These talents have fueled speculation about the true nature of the Johnson family and their connection to the unknown.

The Enigmatic Symbols

Symbols play a significant role in the Johnsons’ lives. They are often seen wearing intricate amulets and jewelry adorned with cryptic symbols. Some believe these symbols hold mystical powers, while others suggest they are ancient markings with hidden meanings. Deciphering the significance of these enigmatic symbols may unlock the secrets of the Johnson family.

The Strange Pets

The Johnsons have an affinity for peculiar pets. Their menagerie includes exotic creatures that are rarely seen elsewhere. From rare albino snakes to miniature dragons, their choice of companions further adds to their enigmatic reputation. It is as if they are drawn to the unusual and the misunderstood.

The Cryptic Messages

Throughout history, the Johnson family has left behind a trail of cryptic messages and codes. These messages, found in old journals and hidden notes, have puzzled researchers for decades. Some believe they hold the key to understanding the true nature of the Johnsons, while others dismiss them as elaborate pranks. Unraveling the meaning behind these cryptic messages remains an ongoing challenge.

The Time Warp

There are accounts of people who claim to have stepped into a time warp while in the presence of the Johnsons. They describe bizarre occurrences, such as witnessing events from the past or glimpsing into the future. These time warps are fleeting and unpredictable, leaving those who experience them questioning their own perception of reality.

The Unexplained Phenomena

In addition to all the aforementioned strangeness, there are countless unexplained phenomena surrounding the Johnsons. From objects moving on their own to unexplained bursts of light, these occurrences defy logical explanation. The Johnsons seem to exist on the fringes of the known world, their lives intertwined with mysteries that elude understanding.

The Johnson’s Legacy

Despite the peculiarities surrounding the Johnson family, they have left a lasting impact on those who have encountered them. Their enigmatic nature has inspired countless stories, myths, and legends. They have become a symbol of the inexplicable and the unknown, reminding us that there is still much to discover and unravel in the world around us

The Haunted House

Rumor has it that the Johnsons live in a haunted house. Locals have reported hearing strange noises and witnessing eerie lights emanating from the windows. Despite numerous investigations, no concrete evidence of paranormal activity has been found. Is it possible that the Johnsons themselves are responsible for the mysterious occurrences?

The Odd Collection

Step inside the Johnsons’ home, and you will be greeted by an assortment of peculiar objects. They have an extensive collection of antique dolls, each with its own eerie story. Their shelves are adorned with peculiar artifacts and ancient relics from unknown origins. It seems that every item in their possession holds a mysterious tale waiting to be unveiled.

The Secret Room

Rumors persist about a hidden room within the Johnsons’ house. No one has ever been granted access to this enigmatic space, leading to speculations about what secrets it may hold. Some say it is a portal to another dimension, while others believe it contains ancient knowledge beyond comprehension. The mystery of the secret room continues to captivate the imagination of those who dare to wonder.

The Mysterious Disappearances

Over the years, there have been reports of people mysteriously vanishing after encountering the Johnson family. These incidents have sparked rumors of foul play and even claims of a Johnson curse. However, no evidence has ever been found to link the family to these disappearances. Is it mere coincidence or something more sinister at play?

The Johnson Curse

Legend has it that a curse hangs over the Johnsons, causing misfortune and strange occurrences wherever they go. From failed businesses to unexplained accidents, their lives have been marred by an unrelenting string of events. Some attribute it to a curse passed down through generations, while others dismiss it as mere superstition. The truth behind the Johnson curse remains elusive.

Controversial Reception

The Strange Thing About The Johnsons

H1: Shock and Provocation

“The Strange Thing About The Johnsons” gained significant attention due to its shocking and provocative content. The film deliberately pushes boundaries, aiming to challenge viewers and provoke strong emotional responses. Its disturbing themes and explicit portrayal of taboo subjects have sparked controversy and debate among audiences and critics alike.

H2: Social Commentary

Beyond its shock value, the film offers a form of social commentary. It prompts discussions about the facade of normalcy in society and the hidden darkness that can lurk behind closed doors. By pushing the boundaries of acceptability, the film invites viewers to reevaluate their own perceptions and confront uncomfortable truths.

Impact and Influence

The Strange Thing About The Johnsons” has left a lasting impact on both audiences and the film industry. Despite its divisive nature, the film has garnered a cult following and become a subject of analysis and interpretation. It has opened up avenues for more daring and unconventional storytelling in independent cinema, inspiring filmmakers to explore uncomfortable subjects and challenge societal norms.


“The Strange Thing About The Johnsons” is an unsettling and controversial film that pushes boundaries and challenges societal norms. Through its exploration of a dysfunctional family, hidden secrets, and taboo subjects, it forces viewers to confront uncomfortable truths. While divisive in its reception, the film has made a significant impact and sparked discussions about the nature of relationships and the facade of normalcy. It serves as a testament to the power of storytelling and the ability of film to provoke thought and ignite dialogue.


  1. Q: Is “The Strange Thing About The Johnsons” based on a true story?
    • A: No, the film is a work of fiction created by Ari Aster.
  2. Q: What is the runtime of the film?
    • A: “The Strange Thing About The Johnsons” has a runtime of approximately 29 minutes.
  3. Q: Is the film suitable for all audiences?
    • A: No, due to its explicit content and sensitive subject matter, the film is intended for mature audiences.
  4. Q: Has the film won any awards?
    • A: While the film did not receive widespread mainstream recognition, it has garnered praise from independent film festivals and gained a dedicated following.
  5. Q: Is there a deeper meaning behind the film’s title?
    • A: The film’s title reflects the peculiar and unsettling nature of the Johnson family and their hidden secrets.

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